Ready to take the next step in your relationship? Want to introduce some more dicks and pussies into your love life? Well, here at Bang! we're all about that, and orgies are a thing we're down to do. After all, we've filmed a bunch of them. But before you go into an orgy, there are things you might want to consider.
To begin, let's start safe. Safety is important! Don't go into a rando's house and start fucking everyone. Know your people. Also, know yourself. Your boundaries. Other peoples' boundaries. Mae sure everyone can give consent and have fun. Also, make sure everyone is tested. Nobody wants a nasty bug. We're all about fun here, and infectious things are something not-fun that you don't want to deal with. Get tested!
...on that note, let's get to it!
Stay Safe
This is the first rule over here. Bang! is in the business of porn, so we take safety super seriously. Get tested and make sure everyone you're with is tested. Wear a rubber if you need to. It's all fun and games until someone gets something nasty, and then the fun is over for everyone and you'll never want to partake in the true fun that an orgy should really be.
So, know your crew, trust the people, and stay safe. Then, fuck away.
Know The People
This is a pretty important one that people often overlook. When you're at an orgy, make sure you know at least some of the people. Now, this is not a prerequisite but things might go a lot better if you're not just fucking a bunch of random humans who might give you a slap or spit in your face or some shit they're into. That maybe you're not into. Which, by the way, there's nothing wrong slapping or spitting but we're just saying, you might just not be into it. How's one to know?! So yeah, know your people. And this is a great lead-in into our next point...
Know Your Own & Others' Boundaries
Sex commandment: Thou must know thy boundaries. There's nothing less sexy and boner/pussy killing than someone doing things you don't like. That's why talking is important. As it goes in porn, before every scene the talent always has a little verbal pow-wow to discuss their do's and don'ts, and so should you.
If you're fucking in a group, get the know the people (as per our tip above) and what they like! Don't forget to express your own kinks with them too. That way, everyone has fun and nobody feels like they're being pushed in the wrong direction.
Stay (Mostly) Sober
In porn, consent is a huge thing, like... tippity top. Nobody can be intoxicated on set (as that basically voids consent), so you should do the same for your next orgy. Not to say that you can't have one beer or a cocktail, but you should be mostly sober for a number of reasons.
One, legally, that's the right thing to do. Two, you don't want someone fucking you to lose ALL their inhibitions! Next thing you know you've got a finger up your ass... which if you're into is great (the more fingers the merrier we say), but if you're not... well. But point stands that it's way easier to lose control when you're intoxicated and things can turn bad when you mix substances and people getting too into the moment, so just stay sober.
Get a buzz off that sex juice if you need to.
Don't Overthink It
Last but not least, just go with it. Don't try to go over every scenario that can happen during an orgy because that could drive you mad. Just go in, stay safe, get to know the people and just get lost in the dicks, pussies and titties. People typically will let you know what they're into so just read the room, pick up the vibe and fuck away like the sexy beast you are!