Jul 11, 2023 2 min read

Why Are Men Attracted To Big Bubble Butts?

Why Are Men Attracted To Big Bubble Butts?

We may not all be butt guys, but a lot of us are. But why? Well, there are many reasons... some that are just straight up for fun, and one or two actual technical ones that are let's say, science-y?

Now don't get us wrong, there's nothing wrong with not having a big ass, we're just saying that when you're walking down the street and you see those hips you just have to look back to see what they're carrying. 9 out of 10 times when it's a big bubble butt you instinctively want to give it a nice slap.

But hey, don't be a creep on the street though, do it subtly. We here at Bang! are all about respect so take it easy. Make a mental snapshot and keep it for later. Now, to the point. Why are those asses so irresistible?

They Look Great In Pants

Let's be honest, big ol' butts squeezed into nice fitted jeans are head turners, but stick them in some yoga pants and you might get an unwanted boner walking down the street. They just look great, filling in all those spaces and making the pants feel fuller, and it's just a nice thing to look at from time to time.

Correction, all the time. Just check out Bang!'s category to see our point.

Big Asses Are A Good Time

Again, not for everyone, but slamming a big ass from the back is just great. Like the old adage goes, "More cushion for the pushin'." When girls have smaller asses and you really get into it sometimes you can hurt the girl, and yourself, when her pelvic bone slams against your, well, whatever the bones around your dick are called. That totally sucks and can get both of you out of the zone.

Put some padding on that ass and you can slam away all you want, watching that ass jiggle as your girl pushes back against you. Win-win.

We Assume They're Better In Bed

This could be wishful thinking, but when you see a great big ass in front of your face you just assume the girl is great in bed. It'd be a shame if she wasn't because that badonkadonk is truly a big asset, no pun intended.

Also, if you look at the direction porn has been trending over the years, big asses are definitely the ones where both parties have more fun and that shows in our search results. So, when you see a big ass, your mind immediately thinks that girl can back that thing up.

We're Wired Like Monkeys for Big Butts

This is not a fun one like the others, but you know, we're monkeys. Psychologically, we're wired to procreate, and studies have shown that women with big asses have wider hipbones, so, as you could have guessed, are better fit to carry children.

Now, here at Bang! we could care less about that... because you know, porn, but we did feel compelled to share that information. That way, if you ever get caught awkwardly staring at a girl's ass, you can just say, "Hey, it's only natural!"

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