The great big world of adult content has an endless array of things to choose from. Any category under the sun is available. Some of the most popular porn categories feature different ethnicities and even animation. But have you ever wondered, when you’re about to enjoy your Japanese porn, adult manga, or hentai, why is Japanese porn censored?
The answer is quite interesting, and leads us into a little history lesson. Hundreds of years ago, during what is known as the Edo Period in Japan (1603-1867), publishing became more accessible. And we all know that where there’s a method of publication, there’s naughty content not too far behind. Because of this, the Japanese government started a censorship policy, to cover anything deemed “indecent”... and that includes, you guessed it- physical copies of pornographic writings and images.
Some traditions hold on hard, and Japan doubled down on censorship as a way to preserve their traditions and conservative culture as writings and drawings became less common, and movies were invented. Up until today, when now of course, we have the internet around. Internet porn meant things got more complicated, but the old ways persevered. To this day, it is not legal to distribute, sell or display obscene media in public in Japan, and this includes uncensored porn.
So next time you’re watching Japanese porn and wonder why it’s censored, remember that it’s a result of different cultures and countries having different rules (some that go back hundreds of years!) and at the end of the day it’s all just one interesting part of the great big world of porn out there.