Aug 14, 2018 1 min read

Tweets that Make You LOL #2

Tweets that Make You LOL #2

Alright y’all it’s that time of the month again. No, not THAT time of the mouth [scoffs at own humor]…enough said. I have rounded up some Twitter gems for you, all in efforts to 1. Make you laugh and 2. Show off the verbal prowess within the adult entertainment twitter community and beyond. This collection is geared more towards simple humor…think those one-liners that just leave you stunned with a ZING!  

I did my fair duty by bringing you Volume #2 of ‘tweets that make you lol’, now read it and weep with laughter my Twitter-peeps!

What do you think? Funny enough to get you coming back next month? Stay tuned, I will be gathering more to keep you entertained next month! Have a suggestion? Let’s start a convo on Twitter!

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