Bang!’s Instagram just hit 100k followers after just a few short months. The likes, comments and love overall are flowing in on a daily basis, and you, our fans, are more active then ever. Even our favorite girls gave us a shoutouts!
If you don’t follow us though, smash that button right now, because you don’t know what you’re missing. We know that you love all the filth we put out on Bang!, but if you’re at work or around people and you want to low key peep at what released that day, Instagram is the way to go. The content is very SFW but we show you just enough to get that flow flowing to your genitals without causing a full boner or a waterfall.
Trust, there is something for everyone on our Bang! Instagram, not to mention you’ll never miss a release, coming at ya some three times a week. If you want more though, we’ve got great SFW videos and bonus BTS footage on our YouTube channel. If you want some more hardcore content though, Bang! Twitter is the way to go.